Many Innocent and Trusting Citizens, Who Have No Idea Yet They Have Been Tricked, and Conned, Into Taking a Lethal Injection

Many Innocent and Trusting Citizens, Who Have No Idea Yet They Have Been Tricked, and Conned, Into Taking a Lethal Injection

Facebook Post By Jamie McIntyre


Tell me why we shouldn’t introduce the death penalty for the politicians that are continuing to spruik the deadly experimental drugs that are killing so many loved ones. Many innocent and trusting citizens, who have no idea yet they have been tricked, and conned, into taking a lethal injection.

The lies they are “safe, effective and necessary” and adverse reactions are rare when they are simply rarely reported and have never been safe, effective, or necessary

Those weapons of mass destruction were never found in Iraq.

They lied when it was really all about stealing Iraq’s oil.

Covid as a pandemic is also a lie.

When it’s not about a virus. It’s about the Great Reset.

The sooner the slowest half of the population yet to discover this, figure it out,  the sooner we can save hundreds of thousands of more heading for a very unhappy ending ugly and sad ending.

Mark my words.

Covid vaccines will become humanities the biggest scandal, and cost more lives than all wars combined in the last 100 years.

Most don’t even know how many are dead already

Blissfully unaware as your Governments cover it up and then try and blame it on the virus.

Australian National Review

Independent Media warning about what’s going to happen if the vaxx rollouts aren’t stopped and the politicians jailed.

Here’s what others had to say: 

John Harris
Ardern is a Hard core Socialist, I loath the woman.

Margaret Gow
Heartbreaking, and God will punish all the criminals that took money for greed rather than protect their people from harm.

Dorry Hofman
you firgot the safe, effective and free!!!
It is not free, We the taxpayer forked out for this jab. I did not agree to that

Tanya Fossey
Isn’t it a Death Penalty for Criminal Law against the Nuremberg Code ????

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