WA Chief Medical Officer’s Blatantly Lie to Constituents Over the Experimental Drug With the Side Effect of Death and Falsely Claiming Adverse Reactions Are Rare (When They Are Simply Rarely Reported)

WA Chief Medical Officer’s Blatantly Lie to Constituents Over the Experimental Drug With the Side Effect of Death and Falsely Claiming Adverse Reactions Are Rare (When They Are Simply Rarely Reported)

By Australian National Review

Below is his response, I’m gobsmacked at the response, it clearly states in the TGA response they are not fully registered.

From: CHO

Your opinion is noted, but there is no legal basis to your claims. We have previously advised you that these vaccinations are not in a trial phase and have been fully registered through the provisional pathway by the TGA, which is supported by the excerpt from TGA below.


 Andy Robertson

 Dr Andy Robertson, CSC, PSM

Chief Health Officer



On 26 Nov 2021, at 11:43 am

Thought this response may interest you.

Mr Robertson

In your last response, you wrote that the vaccines were not experimental and have full registration, which is the complete opposite of the TGAs response below.

Absolute Rights do apply in this situation.

The Public Health Orders and mandates are illegal.

You have misled the West Australian public about the TGA approval for the vaccine products, these vaccines have NOT yet transitioned to full registration status.

To: [email protected]; WA-Government; [email protected]

Sent: Tuesday, 23 November 2021 2:48 PM

Subject: RE: State of Emergency Declaration in Western Australia

The vaccines are not fully registered by the TGA as stated in Mr Robertsons response below, the provisional approval pathway is a process that allows for temporary registration of promising new medicines and vaccines where the need for early access outweighs the risks.

Below is the response from the TGA:

Provisional registration of vaccines is initially limited to a period of two years. The sponsor can apply for two extensions, up to a maximum of six years. Data from ongoing trials will be key to providing evidence of the duration of protection against COVID-19 and to support a sponsor’s application to transition their COVID-19 vaccine to full registration status if they choose to do so. As this implies, longer-term clinical trials for the provisionally approved vaccines are ongoing. It is anticipated that these will be completed between late 2021 to mid-2024 which, depending on the vaccine, may coincide with a sponsor’s application to transition to full registration.

Yours sincerely


Regulatory Assistance Section

Regulatory Engagement Branch

Phone: 1800 020 653 Fax: 02 6203 1605

Email: [email protected]

The Pfizer and AstraZeneca vaccine products are provisionally approved for two years, and the TGA will be relying on manufacturer supplied data to judge the longer term efficacy and safety from ongoing clinical trials and post-market assessment. ‘Post-market assessment’ indicates people being vaccinated in the community are now part of the clinical trials assessing these vaccine products - are people being informed they are part of a vaccine clinical trial? Are these people giving their consent to being involved in a vaccine clinical trial with these provisionally approved vaccine products?

Under Absolute rights, section 7, these rights cannot be suspended even in a state of emergency.

Is the WA government acting lawfully mandating an experimental medical procedure with punishment if one does not comply? It can include acts that cause mental suffering, debases a person, causes fear, anguish or a sense of inferiority.  Mandating an experimental vaccine on an entire state that causes punishment and fear of job loss certainly causes mental suffering.

Have the people of WA been misled about the TGA approval for the vaccines?

From: CHO

Sent: Thursday, 18 November 2021 11:56 AM

Subject: RE: State of Emergency Declaration in Western Australia-Min.Ref.M60-46255

 Much of the information you seek is available from the Therapeutic Goods Administration (https://www.tga.gov.au/) websites. or Commonwealth Department of Health (https://www.health.gov.au/campaigns/coronavirus-covid-19). These vaccinations are not in a trial phase or ‘experimental’ and have been fully registered through the provisional pathway by the TGA. There is further explanation on the TGA website. https://www.tga.gov.au/covid-19-vaccine-information-consumers-and-health-professionals#provisional. All registered medicines are subject to ongoing clinical trials.


Andy Robertson

Dr Andy Robertson, CSC, PSM

Chief Health Officer

To: CHO [email protected]

Sent: Thursday, 18 November 2021 9:23 AM

Subject: RE: State of Emergency Declaration in Western Australia -Min.Ref.M60-46255

CAUTION External Communication: This email originated from outside of the organisation. Do not click links or open attachments unless you recognise the sender and know the content is safe.

Dear Mr Robertson

I have to disagree with you, the vaccinations are in a trial phase and have not been fully approved by the TGA, the vaccines are in a provisional approval until 2023.

The TGA clearly states it is an ongoing clinical trial

TGA provisionally approves Pfizer COVID-19 vaccine

 Provisional approval of this vaccine is valid for two years and means it can now be legally supplied in Australia. The approval is subject to certain strict conditions, such as the requirement for Pfizer to continue providing information to the TGA on longer term efficacy and safety from ongoing clinical trials and post-market assessment.

https://www.tga.gov.au/media-release/tga-provisionally-approves-pfizer-covid-19-vaccine (https://urldefense.com/v3/__https:/www.tga.gov.au/media-release/tga-provisionally-approves-pfizer-covid-19-vaccine__;!!Lav448XFWxY!t9w0_rTE-YWpUd58RahLlCURsaxeGi24cnsQi6d2I0thdEt5mJyHYldW-dCORrf4$)

 I’m sorry to continue to bother you as you’re a no doubt a busy individual, and I do appreciate your replies.

Please take a look at Pfizers long criminal history.

From: CHO

Sent: Monday, 15 November 2021 2:41 PM

Subject: RE: State of Emergency Declaration in Western Australia -Min.Ref.M60-46255

I am sorry to hear about your daughter, but am sure that she should make a rapid and full recovery as these symptoms are usually transitory. After investigation and any diagnosis, I would suggest that you daughter consider submitting a request for a temporary exemption.

Absolute Rights 7 has no application as these are not experimental drugs. These vaccinations are not in a trial phase and have been fully registered through the provisional pathway by the TGA.


 Andy Robertson

 Dr Andy Robertson, CSC, PSM

Chief Health Officer

To: CHO [email protected]

Sent: Monday, 15 November 2021 1:25 PM

Subject: RE: State of Emergency Declaration in Western Australia - Min.Ref.M60-46255

CAUTION External Communication: This email originated from outside of the organisation. Do not click links or open attachments unless you recognise the sender and know the content is safe.

Dear Mr Robertson

Since my last email my daughter has had her covid vaccination to remain employed and has now gone from running 15km and her first 42km marathon to not being able to walk 10 minutes without experiencing fatigue and chest pains, which she is being tested for. I have had a look at the TGA site and read thousands of stories from serious reactions from the vaccine, this poison is by far safe and effective with zero long term safety data. She never wanted the vaccine due to complications in the past, and with doctors being prevented from writing exemptions or even acknowledging a reaction from the vaccine this avenue is fruitless.

I am asking you for an exemption from the second dose so she can continue working, and to avoid anymore serious injury or death.

 Under the Absolute Rights section 7, these rights cannot be suspended even in a state of emergency,  a person has the right to  life and freedom from degrading treatment

or punishment and freedom from medical or scientific experimentation without consent.

Cruel, inhuman, or degrading treatment or punishment

Cruel, inhuman, or degrading treatment or punishment is a broader concept than torture. It often refers to treatment that is less severe than torture or that does not meet the definition of torture. It still involves abuse or humiliation. It does not necessarily have to be intentionally inflicted or physical pain. It can include acts that cause mental suffering, debases a person, causes fear, anguish or a sense of inferiority.

Mandating an experimental vaccine on an entire state that causes punishment and fear of job loss certainly causes mental suffering.

According to the TGA website all the covid vaccines are in a stage 3 clinical trial until 2023 it should include a placebo group and be tested on a few thousand not millions.

Hoping you have some mercy.

From: CHO

Sent: Monday, 8 November 2021 6:15 PM

Subject: RE: State of Emergency Declaration in Western Australia - Min.Ref.M60-46255

The requirements for the State of Emergency are clearly outlined in Part 12 of the Public Health Act 2016.

WA Health continues to monitor the rare side effects of the vaccines and acts on the advice of the TGA and ATAGI.  Sweden, Norway and Finland (but not Denmark) have placed temporary restrictions on Moderna for certain age groups (< 18 in Norway and <30 in Sweden and Finland) while they further review the data.  https://www.bmj.com/content/375/bmj.n2477 (https://urldefense.com/v3/__https:/www.bmj.com/content/375/bmj.n2477__;!!Lav448XFWxY!v2Qjx0EKTVgHvnwPUsrBv7oun9ywnii4Xi-KpYhr_p09yvlxs7prjYNeLaSl2mEC$)


Andy Robertson

Dr Andy Robertson, CSC, PSM

Chief Health Officer

To: CHO [email protected]

Sent: Monday, 8 November 2021 4:06 PM

Subject: RE: State of Emergency Declaration in Western Australia - Min. Ref.M60-46255

CAUTION External Communication: This email originated from outside of the organisation. Do not click links or open attachments unless you recognise the sender and know the content is safe.

Good Afternoon

I know we are in a state of emergency, your response is a joke and did not answer my question, I was asking for proof for a never ending extension as we have no Covid in WA and anyone who comes over the border needs to be vaccinated, or is it the vaccination is not as effective as first thought.

 Are you also aware of what scientists and doctors overseas are saying about the serious and life threatening adverse reactions.

How is it Sweden, Norway, Finland and Denmark have suspended Moderna due to severe health risks yet in Australia you are willing to inject children from the age of 12.

Please answer these questions as your response to this is important.

Original Source: https://www.australiannationalreview.com/health/wa-chief-medical-officers-blatantly-lie-to-constituents-over-the-experimental-drug-with-the-side-effect-of-death-and-falsely-claiming-adverse-reactions-are-rare-when-they-are-simply-rarely-r/

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